Thursday, September 11, 2014

Your kingdom come

This phrase stopped my in my prayer tracks this morning. It is one of those parts of The Lord's Prayer that I suppose we tend to pass over quickly, as if it is merely a memory marker for those reciting. It rhymes, in English with "thy will be done," the next line. Even that word, line, isn't really right. It implies that the words constitute a poem to be memorized, rushed through like a child whose only real prayer is that no one pays attention to him hurrying to get it over with. 

for the breeze plucking
the neighbor's wind chime
for the moon brightening
the gray terrain
for even the dogs barking
that take me out of my mind
i thank You, Lord of all that sings

There have been times when I have prayed for Christ to return or the snatch my away like Elijah. I have felt I did not want to die, but I did not want to live. The world was too painful to endure, too dear to leave. That is when I have wanted God's Kingdom to come.

But that idea is incomplete. What about during the mundane and trivial days, when I am distracted by the cares and worries of this world? What about during the good days, when beauty and joy grab me and make me enthralled to be alive? Should I not want the kingdom then as well? Burdens are not all that draw me away from the building of the kingdom or living in it, but also the pleasures set before me.

The kingdom of God must come to my heart and mind, and not just be a vague city I think I'm driving towards or waiting for. I am walking toward the place I need, in some sense, to already be.